Saturday, December 29, 2012


I have been paying attention to those moments of memory when what is held or seen triggers review of a currently unrelated matter or habit. This work celebrates one of those moments. A rove of the beach & popped corn met in a room of my brain. The party they had resulted in this sculpture.

                                                                                             Pop-Link      3.75"x9"

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Another in a series of whimsical stages for life wrought from recalled dreams. What would it look like to piece a shipwreck back together incorrectly? The early morning moment when I paste people & places onto a train of thought, but ultimately feel the weight of complete dysfunction. Gold barnacles mark this memory of a shipwrecked dream.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Shipwrecked     1'x2'    

Monday, December 10, 2012

Money Tree

My money grows on a mash-up between Moses' burning bush & an ad slamming of  expensive banking. At times I find that nothing turns my stomach or my world more than money. A revelation that makes me push priorities around with newly sore hands. This work is visualizing the baggage of this struggle, so that I can move on. Leave it behind. No fat caterpillars selling "free money" here...just raw limbs & collecting metal.

                                                                                                                     Money Tree      14.75"x19"

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Piece 3 in a series of bark stages for frozen life, and this one breaks into a growth concept. The seahorse is floating in a garden of incubating life. Though the adult remains still, a churning source of life is present in egglets of tomorrow's frozen story. This bark stage is lengthening the bookends of the life cycle in play.

                                                                                                                        Seeds     7"x1.75"